BFF’s Shouldn’t “Caregive” Alone

Just had to share this experience with  you all.

Recently, I had two Dutiful Daughter readers contact me to place additional book orders. Each of them had a close friend who was beginning her own caregiving journey, and they thought my book would help pave the way.  Happy to oblige, I mailed each of their gal pals a signed gift-wrapped copy with a personal note. These are the lovely responses I received in return. What a ray of light! It’s the reason writers write, and for me, true food for the soul. 

My bff was thrilled with her book and read it carefully in  a day and a half. She dog-eared many pages and sat down with her parents to go over some things. You did an outstanding job, Judith, and it’s a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you again for everything special you did for my best friend. She was very touched.

Thank you for helping me care for my friend with your book. Her words, “OMG, I love my gift. That was so very thoughtful of you, and I’m excited to read it!”

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